If you’re like most people, then you’ve found yourself in a situation where you urgently need money but your savings are not enough to cover any expenses you’re facing. Whatever purpose it may be for, the stress can be overwhelming. Thankfully, an emergency loan can give you the relief you need to help tide you over.

Applying for an emergency loan in Singapore is a straightforward process. However, it’s so important to understand the various options available to you, as well as its associated terms and conditions. When you know these key information, you can carefully evaluate your needs and compare the offers better.

Table of Contents:

When to Get an Emergency Loan in Singapore

Medical Emergencies

Emergency Loan in Singapore

Medical emergencies can happen without warning. This can leave you with unexpected bills that need immediate payment and the costs can quickly add up. Even when you have health insurance, there might be out-of-pocket expenses that you need to cover yourself.

An emergency loan can give the necessary funds to ensure you or your loved ones receive timely medical care. Healthcare is top-notch in the Lion City although it can be very expensive if you need medical treatments, hospital stays, or medications. When you get approved for an emergency loan, you can focus on recovery rather than worrying about how to pay the bills. Its quick approval and disbursement also mean you can get the money you need almost immediately so medical care is not delayed.

Car Repairs

Do you rely on your car for daily commutes or running errands? Then it may be super stressful if it breaks down. Repair costs can be high, and not everyone has the savings to cover this so an emergency loan can help you get your car back on the road quickly.

Having a functioning car is crucial for many people here, despite the good commute system. With an emergency loan, you can easily continue with your daily activities without the added stress of being without transportation.

Home Repairs

Home repairs are problems that need to be addressed immediately to avoid further damage. An emergency loan can help you solve these issues and ensure your home remains safe and comfortable.

Maintaining your home is essential and an emergency loan can help you cover the costs without dipping into your hard-earned savings. This also allows you to quickly hire professionals to fix the problem right away.

Funeral Expenses

Losing a loved one is a difficult time. In a situation like this, the last thing you want to worry about is how to pay for the funeral. The costs can include everything from the casket and burial plot to the funeral service and catering. These expenses can add up quickly, and an emergency loan will help you get financial support in this challenging time.

Utility Bills

Falling behind on utility bills can lead to service disconnections, which can be highly inconvenient, not to mention extremely stressful. If you find yourself unable to pay your electricity, water, or gas bills on time, an emergency loan is the answer.

Rent or Mortgage Payments

Missing a rent or mortgage payment can have serious consequences. For instance, your relationship with your landlord can be strained, or worse, you may be evicted. Facing a temporary financial problem and not making your housing payment can be an issue but an emergency loan will give you the money you need to keep you in your home. Through this loan, you can have much-needed breathing room to stabilise your finances.

Where to Get an Emergency Loan in Singapore


Banks in Singapore offer tons of personal loan options that can be used for emergency purposes. These loans usually come with lower interest rates compared to other types of loans. However, they also have stricter eligibility criteria and longer approval processes.

For people with a good credit score and a stable income, banks can be a reliable option when you need an emergency loan. That said, be prepared because the application process involves submitting so many requirements.

Moreover, while banks provide secure and structured loan options, the approval process can be long, usually a few days to a week. This might not be the best for those who need immediate cash. But if you are an existing customer with a good relationship with your bank, expect the process to be expedited.

Licensed Money Lenders

When it comes to emergency or urgent personal loans, licensed money lenders are an amazing options since it’s faster and more accessible. There’s no need to worry because lenders are regulated by the Ministry of Law to ensure fair practices and transparency.

One of the major advantages of borrowing from this lender is the quick approval and disbursement process which is usually within the same day. That said, you won’t have to stress for a long time.

Licensed money lenders also have more lenient eligibility criteria compared to banks, so it’s easier for people with lower incomes or poor credit scores to get approved for a loan.

Before applying for any emergency loan from a money lender, do not forget to verify the legitimacy first by checking the Ministry of Law’s list of approved lenders. This extra step will help you avoid potential scams and unethical practices by ah longs.

Want to get an emergency loan? We’re here to help

As mentioned above, finding yourself needing an emergency loan can be super stressful, but knowing where to turn can make all the difference in giving you peace of mind.

It doesn’t matter if you choose to go through a bank or a licensed money lender, what’s important is you completely understand the options available and select the one that best suits your financial situation and urgency.

In an effort to make the loan process even easier, Lender SG can help you find the best loan tailored to your specific needs. Our loan matching platform can connect you with the best lenders and ensure you end up with more favorable loan terms.

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